Monday, August 28, 2006
My class

Curiously the same name, the same hair, and a similar voice, but a different person. Dan, my German teacher of one week, told me today, "I'm afraid I can't let you stay." I wasn't able to sign up for the class due to my impending graduation.
But he let me sit in for one more class this morning. At the end of class, I went up and gave him a firm handshake. "Danke schön," I said. "Bitte schön," he replied.
Fortunately, there are two other sections. I sat in for them earlier last week and decided that I liked Dan, his German, his pronunciation, his class. Oh yeah, I think the guys in his class are cooler too. The other teachers didn't have any trouble letting me stay, but it wasn't Dan's fault. So tomorrow, I'm going to go for one of the other sections -- lousier pronunciation, but less problems.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
For Jon

To Jon:
Thanks for the understanding. I hope these pictures will give you some ideas for your creations. I couldn't write anything more than this, but I think the pictures are more than enough.

I saw a poster of this painting a couple days ago at a poster sale in school. There were many other beautiful posters.

I hope you will continue creating beautiful pieces for as long as you like. You have no idea how much of a smile they bring to people who see them.
Thanks for everything.
Keep in touch.