Perhaps this doesn't matter anymore

To all past, present and future readers:
Blogs may be for different things. For me, I write sometimes to let others know my thoughts in an anonymous sort of way. There are times when I feel the need to write my thoughts here and have somebody else read them at random, but there are other times and other thoughts that I could only keep to myself (and I write them in my own diary sometimes).
Sometimes, things change over time too. Here I want to let you know that one such post has changed today. In May 2006, I posted one story entitled "If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things", relating the true account of how a few events over the course of a few months had changed my life profoundly. I still continue to relive them, and I do think it is so much a part of me that I will continue to do so. But it is a private account, one that needed an anonymous airing -- yet it is a private one, and today I have tucked it away.
Also, I browsed through some of my posts back in the early part of 2006 -- some of them seem so absurd now!