A Tribute

"As I attempt to find words worthy to introduce the person that has changed my life, I realize that the words have yet to be invented that are large enough, colorful enough or true enough to express the heart and soul of this woman that I love."
"Stefanie, I wonder what can I possibly say to do justice to the way you've lived your life and to the lives that you have changed."
"I began several years ago on the small chalkboard sitting in our kitchen, a tradition that I've carried on every night. At the end of each day I have picked up the chalk and tried to express the many things you mean to me. Sometimes just a brief line, sometimes a short story, but always just the overflow from a grateful heart, and yet after these months and years of writing to you each night I have never been at a shortage of ways to reflect the light you've brought into my life. And now how ironic that in these few short moments I need to capture in words these things I so deeply appreciate in you. Maybe I can say it to you this simple way."
"Not long ago we were on the road and I looked out our hotel room window from the upper floor of a very tall high rise. I could see the rooftop of an old and beautiful cathedral. It was stunning with its carved stone and marble - all done so perfectly. I could not believe the work of art I was seeing and I wondered how many years did they take to create this and what drove them to be this committed? Then I began to appreciate something greater. I realized that when this rooftop was built it was by far the tallest building. In an age long before airplanes or skyscrapers these artists believed each day as they went about their work that no human being or one set of eyes would ever see their creation. How could they not have cut one corner? How could they consider no task routine? I can only think it came from a place deep inside - the need to be true to themselves was their reason and their reward."
"All of this has helped me to understand you just a little better, never needing applause to be your best, only needing to give the best your soul could give to feel complete."
-- Andre Agassi
Blogger: This excerpt is for my mom, the greatest person I've ever known.
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