I just moved back from the states to the equatorial island of Singapore due to the unfortunate loss of my job owing to the recession. My home is in the southwest-central part of the island (to be quite exact). I love the many beautiful big trees here. I don't think I can call anywhere else in Singapore home.
I've been swimming for the past couple of weeks or so at the public pool near my home. I'm not used to the number of people, the lack of lane lines, the stifling temperature and salinity of the water, and I didn't think I'd say this, but I miss the pools in Frederick. Today some lanes were blocked off halfway during my swim and I decided to get out rather than squeeze. I drove myself to the another pool somewhat farther away just to take a look but that didn't seem any better on a regular day.
Also, I need to get back to swimming better. I left Frederick with my stand-in coach saying I have a nice freestyle. I need to get back to being smooth with the stroke.
I think I'll stay with the first pool nearest my home and try to get better over there.
There's this nice-looking dude with the works who swims pretty well. He got lucky today swimming beside the only lane line, and so he stayed when I left. Maybe next time I can get lucky too.
I sat with my little baby nephew at the balcony tonight and looked outside for a while together. He can't talk coherently but can say some simple words badly. We pointed out cars, vans, taxis, trees, and said hallo and bye to whoever happened to come within view.
I'm still searching for a job. I was filling in an application form but had to put it aside halfway. I should continue that tomorrow and work a little harder maybe. Tonight I caught a little of Wimby tennis on a very choppy connection. I don't have sports cable TV here and don't think I'll get it soon, so this works for now.