There's more than corn in Indiana

Time: 9:20 pm
Place: Capp & Gino's, West Lafayette
Honestly I didn't even know this place existed before last night. Bich, a girlfriend of mine, had gotten a bunch of guys together for drinks. Exciting thing was, we were all gonna meet new people. What better occasion to do so than over some Guinness, right?
Turned out it was real fun. Other than Bich and I, there was Caiti, a girl from my department, Michelle, a girl programming for CivE, Mark, CivE student, and Mike, Northwestern graduate from Ohio working for a grain company in Delphi. The girls got cocktails, the guys got Martinis, I had two large glasses of Guinness stout (doesn't it taste like chocolate?) The place was rather tastefully decorated with a good-lookin' bar and friendly wait-staff.

After the first round of drinks, we moved to a table at the side with an accompanying couch. I sat beside Mike, who turned out to be a great guy to chat with. I found out he spent a month in Prague (think Pavel Novotny) with friends. Great, cos I dig travelling and stuff, so we hit it off talking about the Stare Mesto, the Nova Mesto, the Mala Strana, Charles Bridge, Prague Castle... Bich, Mike and I were on one end of the table so we had one conversation while Mark, Caiti and Michelle had another. I found out Mike was the lead guitarist in some band, now how cool is that? The other day I was just remarking that someday I wanna be a guitarist in a rock band earning cash at clubs and bars. We talked about music (how I am learning the violin and how he wanted to learn it too) and movies, and the drinks flowed.

By now the place was bursting with people. It seemed as though people here turn up for drinks between 11 and midnight. And everybody was loose and loopy with the alcohol coursing through their veins. The conversation wasn't in danger of going stale even though we'd been there for nearly three hours. And somehow Mike seemed cuter and cuter as the minutes ticked by and for two seconds I wished he was gay and interested in me (but no he wasn't). When we finally left the place, it was one in the morning (the sign at the door said they close at midnight). We said goodbye and went our separate ways.
I made a mental note that I had to get a better camera for next week and whatever's coming after that.
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