Fuck! I need to get back to having a sunny disposition

I used to be a pretty cheerful guy. Don't know what happened to me. Maybe I grew up too quickly one side of me, now the other side's trying to catch up.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I need to swear so bad right now to get it out of my system. Forgive me. I want to go back to being fun-loving. It's all fucking shit crap. Nobody's gonna like a moody guy. ~~~Urrrghhh!!!~~~ I wanna yell out loud, I wanna be lovely again!!!
if u knew how much i jacked off 2 some of your blog pix you would b a little disturbed. you're fucking fantastic. :P
I agree that you were getting a bit dark for a while there and you will be more fun with a sunny disposition. :) But, I really liked the post that you deleted. It was a work of art that revealed your innermost pain. Don't neglect this very strong talent of yours. I hate to say that because I feel that I am dooming you to a life of depression....
honey its your blog scream, yell, kick and when your done ill give u a hug!
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