Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ghada Mitri answers readers' questions

Ghada Mitri was on a visit to Lebanon from the UK to look after her elderly parents when the country came under attack.

Despite being able to return back home to safety, she decided to stay and try to help Lebanese people caught up in a desperate situation.

"Israel has created a lot of hate in the hearts of the young generation of Lebanon, and vindicated the older generations who still remember the past. This young generation born after the war would probably have had a different point of view towards Israel than its elders. But in one fell swoop - Israel has destroyed that."


Blogger Superdrewby said...

It's amazing to think that for a people who were so maligned and oppressed in the twentieth century, in the latter twentieth and early twentyfirst century they have become the oppressors.

It's a sad indictement on their own beliefs and no longer can they ever have the moral high ground.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

~~~Is this what is meant by men behaving badly?~~~

If so, I couldn't agree more.

3:40 PM  

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