Lone Star Steve

Steve has got a really spiffy blog down South. It's intensely sexy and full of spirit and it showed me a remarkable side to life I hadn't known before.
He's got a list of "100 things" about himself near the top. I really like reading such lists because the individual items are often connected in very clever ways, and also that they always tell me a great deal about a guy. Though I'd never be able to come up with such lists about myself, because they sound too much like work!
He's also got some angsty but thoroughly amusing takes. There's an interesting story about how some punks trashed his car, provoking my thoughts on what I would have done had I been in the same situation.
Most of all, read his post and the comments from readers on both sides of the divide about the scourge of HIV and how it has affected guys' lives (Mar 26). To be frank, I hadn't given much thought to the issue so close to many of our hearts, other than making sure I use protection all the time. But the truth is that there are many around us we love who have to live with the harsh reality. How does one make sense of all this? I'm really glad that I discovered something and someone great today.
i'm floored that you wrote a post about me. i'm flattered, really. thanks for checking me out; i like the smell of it around here, so i'll be back to men behaving badly on a regular basis ... lonestarsteve
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