Your favorite muscles

Thanks for all your votes. Your favorite muscles, based on 149 votes, are:
Pecs -- 40%
Abs -- 36%
Biceps -- 10%
Shoulders -- 9%
Lats -- 5%
Now we all know what parts to train up :-)
A little history about the evolution of the poll results. For many days, pecs was leading the pack at about 50% of total votes. A few days ago, a whole bunch of guys came over from Jared's site and kicked up the abs count so much that pecs was in danger of losing the race. Now we all know that Jared is an abs guy, but what we didn't know is that visitors to his site also love abs so much.
The poll's been archived so no more votes can go in. I will start a new one as soon as I gather enough material.
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