Sunday, March 12, 2006


Just read some dude mentioning on his blog that he couldn't wait for spring to come to San Francisco as it was cold out in the winter blah blah. I won't mention who he is cos I quite like the guy actually. In fact, I think he's absolutely nice and cool .

But I won't cease to launch a scathing attack on the fact that you're totally spoilt, buddy. Yea, completely utterly soft. And I have the wherewithal to comment because I've lived in the tropics, in the bay area, and in the middle of this country for years on end. I think we should switch places -- maybe you'll find this place so warm in the winter you'll never wanna go back. Ok, I know you grew up in Florida, but hey you're in fucking gayland and you still whinge.

To register my displeasure, here's a pic of paradise on earth accompanied by a hot dude to bring up the temperatures over on my side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um . . . Who exactly are you talking about buddy;)

12:14 AM  

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