Swim Workout of the Day

I love swimming. If you wanna swim with me, you can check out my daily swim workout here.
Also, check back for my article on swimming.
I was winded after Saturday's workout. I did only 18 x 50 on 2:00 and not the full 20 that I set out for. Skipped the breaststroke and went straight to the cool-down cos there were people waiting to use the lane and I didn't like splitting.
I'm gonna aim for a little easier today. I'm so winded after the eventful weekend I had.
Monday Feb 27, 2006
200 Warm-up
100 Easy: concentrate on hip rotation & body position
100 Easy: concentrate on arm extension and elbow flexion
100 Build
20x50 on 2:00
200 Cool-down
TOTAL 1700 yards
DEBRIEF: I didn't have time to complete the workout again. But this time I did everything except 5 of the 20 on 2:00 laps. I think I'm gonna change my workout a little bit today.
Tuesday Feb 28, 2006
200 Warm-up
200 Breaststroke
100 Pull
100 Easy: Hip & Body Position
100 Easy: Arm & Elbow
100 Build
15 x 50 on 2:00
200 Cool-down
TOTAL 1750 yards
I'm not decreasing the split times until I can cut my lap times down consistently by a couple of seconds.
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