Something about...

Spotted some kids playing basketball under the darkening sky this Spring evening at the Maryland School for the Deaf.
Found a nice tennis blog called Gasquet and Racquet, named after my favorite tennis guy.
Watched a documentary tonight on the History Channel on feats of ancient engineering. Roman siphons, Greek mirrors, ancient bathhouses. Last night, too, there was another on the Berlin underground flak tower.
I love learning! Tom-in-paris is a log-cabin Republican (teehee), dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopaedia, I love you.
Hopefully I can wake up early to swim tomorrow morning.
I miss you, Danny. I miss you!
P.S. Was reading Gasquet and Racquet just now, I like it! I think the guy plays tennis well and writes for Utica's paper. (Now that is something I'd like to do!) Found another cool site:
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