Surfing for tennis and over-singing

I think the national anthem in the USA is over-played, over-sung, over-performed. When I googled this idea and found an article on this (the writer had a different take on why he thought so), there were a bunch of typically nasty comments. But I highlight two comments (yes, two) that were on my side.
"I agree with Moore 100%. Save the national anthem for more appropriate times; like limiting it to the beginning of Championship series or the likes of an season opening game, parades, etc.
It's so over used that it's lost it's reverence. How many times do the players start walking around before the song is done. It gets lost in all the pregame hype. And Tv networks have gone to televising it at the beginning of a series and at the start of potential close out games.
If you want the National Anthem to have reverence, treat it so, not like the drinking song it's tune originated from and as it's now degraded by all the drunk and methed out fans of today.
And, yeah, I could go into how the Star Spangled Banner is used to condition all you to the hoo-ah of the war machine, but that's another story. For now I agree with most here that there's a need for a revered national anthem - so let's use it appropriately."
"I see a bunch of morons claiming the writer is anti-American and a liberal commie for not wanting the national anthem before sporting events anymore.
I love America and everything about it, but frankly I am a bit annoyed at how frequently the national anthem is played. Don't get me wrong, I understand what it means and where it comes from, but do we really need to play the anthem before a whiffle ball game?
Plus, only 67% of the population knows the lyrics.
If you people think the writer is an anti-American liberal commie for writing his comments, wow just get out of my country, there's enough retards in it already."
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