Sunday, April 02, 2006

Je suis venu, j'ai vu, et j'ai cru

Picture source: California Digital Library

I've never been much of an activist at all, but one day when the circumstances are right, I hope to be able to become much more involved in the gay rights movement.

Just a few days ago, I was reading an article on BBC News about plans by the Aussie government to oppose new laws legalizing gay civil unions. I don't know why but I got kinda unglued by the end of the article. I don't think I felt the same way when I came across similar articles before.

I just feel that all we're asking for is to be able to love and be loved, and if we don't make a stand for something as pure as that, we would be eroding the hard-earned liberties that the generation before us fought so untiringly for by our very own inaction.

I also heard over the radio that the courts in Massachusetts have ruled that unions between out-of-state men would not be considered legal. While this is certainly unwelcome news, I still want to say go Mass!


Blogger Sue said...

Gay civil unions are also legal in Connecticut. :)

I wish gay civil unions were legal in the US, but we have a ways to go before that will ever happen. The US used to take the lead in the world in these kind of matters, but no more.

11:16 PM  
Blogger mr tickle said...

Yeah, whatever happened?

11:49 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

We've got this very conservative administration in office right now that prevents any progress whatsoever.

8:32 AM  

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