Tennis reflection I

Today I played my first real tennis after writing the last note on improving my tennis.
I think I made some improvements today.
I had the chance to only practise two aspects today, the forehand and the backhand. I only did a few volleys, but more of that later. But maybe I should also consider probably the key improvement, the footwork and the split step, too.
The backhand was much better. I leaned into the shot. The racquet head take-back was improved. The preparation of the feet was better, and I was able to bend for the low shots and not fall back too much on the deep or high shots, though this needs more improvement. As a result I was more consistent and had increased power as well.
I made a conscious effort to impart more horizontal action on the ball on my forehand. I thought I made more shots than before, but I know that the improvement was not as marked as the backhand. I think that on the low shots, I definitely need to use more horizontal action, but the trick is to do that with spin as well -- I definitely need some practise on that. On the high shots, I can definitely hit a deep shot with spin, but I must make sure not to overhit the spin and cause the racquet to twist in my hands (that happens on the low shots too if I use the wrong technique). Also if the shot comes at me fast, I must make sure to use the right swinging motion. I should make sure to go under the ball so it clears the net, but not use too much spin.
On the volleys, I strained my knee. And that's because of my poor footwork. This really highlights how important the split step is, and I made sure I used the split step after it happened. Footwork, the split step, they are indeed the foundation, and I think much of my improvement is due to that.
Also I'm thinking about language lessons, maybe after I have my books again.
My tennis partners have been my friends pretty much, but what happens when they are not around? Who can I play tennis with, I wonder.
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