Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Swim Workout of the Day

I love swimming. If you wanna swim with me, you can check out my daily swim workout here.
Also, check back for my article on swimming.
I was winded after Saturday's workout. I did only 18 x 50 on 2:00 and not the full 20 that I set out for. Skipped the breaststroke and went straight to the cool-down cos there were people waiting to use the lane and I didn't like splitting.
I'm gonna aim for a little easier today. I'm so winded after the eventful weekend I had.
Monday Feb 27, 2006
200 Warm-up
100 Easy: concentrate on hip rotation & body position
100 Easy: concentrate on arm extension and elbow flexion
100 Build
20x50 on 2:00
200 Cool-down
TOTAL 1700 yards
DEBRIEF: I didn't have time to complete the workout again. But this time I did everything except 5 of the 20 on 2:00 laps. I think I'm gonna change my workout a little bit today.
Tuesday Feb 28, 2006
200 Warm-up
200 Breaststroke
100 Pull
100 Easy: Hip & Body Position
100 Easy: Arm & Elbow
100 Build
15 x 50 on 2:00
200 Cool-down
TOTAL 1750 yards
I'm not decreasing the split times until I can cut my lap times down consistently by a couple of seconds.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Aron's Totally Unscientific Polls

I've always found polls to be real fun. I've got lots of ideas for poll questions in my head now, but getting this to work will take some time cos I'm still learnin' how to get the tags and format right. Here's the first one:
Sorry guys, I just realized the code couldn't be accepted. The site's down and everything is pretty screwed up now. I'll try to fix this ASAP.
OK now I think I got it up again.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
College Boys

Believe it or not, when a student decides to take a break from the partying, it pays to work on a Saturday night. I was getting some stuff in order in my office on one such Saturday evening when a boy (I call them boys cos they're a few years younger than I am) walked into my den. Usually there would have been several other guys around but not surprisingly there wasn't anybody else at the time.
He had long blond hair, nice eyes, a cute smile, and a lithe body. He had been locked out of the lab he was working in and there was nobody else around. We started chatting. I kept staring at his soft wavy hair. Finally getting his stuff out, he asked me if I had dinner. I said no. He suggested dinner at the local pizzeria. I said ok.
He invited me back to his apartment after we shared a large thin crust. He had a cozy studio at the back of a block right behing the row of shops and bars. I noticed his stack of shelves were broken and offered to knock some nails in for him. By accident, I cut my finger over a splinter and blood gushed out. It was the perfect excuse to stay. Between conservation topics a stack of tarot cards on the floor caught my attention. I asked him if he knew tarot reading and he said he did a little. As the mesmerizing smell of incense wafted in the room, he concluded that I felt trapped in my love life.
"You're either bi or gay," he suddenly said. There was a short pause as I stared into his eyes. I leaned over and pushed him onto the floor, kissing him hard. We undressed each other and started kissing and licking each other's bodies and feeling our cocks. He had a nice smooth lean body that was screaming fuck me. I was getting all hard and asked him if he ever got fucked. He said he wasn't into anal. We lay in bed and with my hands stroking his hard cock and my tongue licking on his neck I made him shoot his hot load onto his smooth abs.
After that we kissed for a little bit and took a shower together.
Have Your Say on Your Sexuality

Yet I have come across attractive men who did not like casual sex because it made them feel worse afterwards. The dichotomy of psychological and physical response to the same need for sex was at once puzzling and familiar. More than ever, I was now free to fully explore my sexuality and sexual needs. I was ready and eager to have casual encounters. But I was also wary of the voice that sounded the warning not to do so. Why is it that some of us seem to need ever more ways to express our desires? Why is it that others never find any way, even if they too had the same? What about guys who feel left out of or alienated by the "mainstream" of gay society? What kinds of representation of our different sexual needs do we really want? Can we ever really be able to satisfy the desires that were repressed before we became free and that needed even more tending to after?
Express ourselves in our desires. What type of guy are you? What desires do you have? Have your say on your sexuality.
Monday, February 20, 2006
La Vie Est Belle

Chris listened to Aron's thoughts, his emotions, his shortcomings. Chris stuck by his boyfriend and Aron developed feelings for other guys. But if there ever was a promise kept unbroken, Aron still hasn't forgotten the day when he asked Chris if they could live together if they were alone at the age of forty -- and Chris laughed and said Aron will not be alone -- but Chris still said yes in all seriousness. Looking back, Aron thinks he's silly for asking the question anyways.
Aron wants to tell Chris that he occupies a special place in his heart because he was there for him.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
There's more than corn in Indiana

Time: 9:20 pm
Place: Capp & Gino's, West Lafayette
Honestly I didn't even know this place existed before last night. Bich, a girlfriend of mine, had gotten a bunch of guys together for drinks. Exciting thing was, we were all gonna meet new people. What better occasion to do so than over some Guinness, right?
Turned out it was real fun. Other than Bich and I, there was Caiti, a girl from my department, Michelle, a girl programming for CivE, Mark, CivE student, and Mike, Northwestern graduate from Ohio working for a grain company in Delphi. The girls got cocktails, the guys got Martinis, I had two large glasses of Guinness stout (doesn't it taste like chocolate?) The place was rather tastefully decorated with a good-lookin' bar and friendly wait-staff.

After the first round of drinks, we moved to a table at the side with an accompanying couch. I sat beside Mike, who turned out to be a great guy to chat with. I found out he spent a month in Prague (think Pavel Novotny) with friends. Great, cos I dig travelling and stuff, so we hit it off talking about the Stare Mesto, the Nova Mesto, the Mala Strana, Charles Bridge, Prague Castle... Bich, Mike and I were on one end of the table so we had one conversation while Mark, Caiti and Michelle had another. I found out Mike was the lead guitarist in some band, now how cool is that? The other day I was just remarking that someday I wanna be a guitarist in a rock band earning cash at clubs and bars. We talked about music (how I am learning the violin and how he wanted to learn it too) and movies, and the drinks flowed.

By now the place was bursting with people. It seemed as though people here turn up for drinks between 11 and midnight. And everybody was loose and loopy with the alcohol coursing through their veins. The conversation wasn't in danger of going stale even though we'd been there for nearly three hours. And somehow Mike seemed cuter and cuter as the minutes ticked by and for two seconds I wished he was gay and interested in me (but no he wasn't). When we finally left the place, it was one in the morning (the sign at the door said they close at midnight). We said goodbye and went our separate ways.
I made a mental note that I had to get a better camera for next week and whatever's coming after that.
Hollywood "Resists Gay Actors"

I particularly liked the quote at the end of the article.
"This has been a landmark year for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-inclusive films," said Neil G Giuliano, president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.
"These are films with an emotional authenticity that have clearly connected with both gay and straight audiences alike.
"By telling our stories, this year's Oscar nominees have helped raise the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues and have given millions of Americans a greater understanding of who we are."
Photo on right: Sir Ian at Pride London
Bosnian Film Triumphs in Berlin
Grbavica, by director Jasmila Zbanic, won the coveted Golden Bear at the 56th Berlin Film Festival on Saturday. The film looks at the aftermath of the mass rape of women during the siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian war.
"War in Bosnia was over some 13 years ago and yet war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic (former Bosnian Serb leader and army commander) still live in Europe freely."
"They've not been captured for organising the rape of 20,000 women in Bosnia. This is Europe and no one is interested in capturing them."

British directors Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross were awarded the Silver Bear for best director, for their film, Road to Guantanamo. Winterbottom dedicated his award to the three British Muslim men, caught in Afghanistan and who end up in Guantanamo Bay, who inspired the film about their true story.
The head of the jury, British actress Charlotte Rampling, said this year's films "reflected the mood of the world today".
"War in Bosnia was over some 13 years ago and yet war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic (former Bosnian Serb leader and army commander) still live in Europe freely."
"They've not been captured for organising the rape of 20,000 women in Bosnia. This is Europe and no one is interested in capturing them."

British directors Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross were awarded the Silver Bear for best director, for their film, Road to Guantanamo. Winterbottom dedicated his award to the three British Muslim men, caught in Afghanistan and who end up in Guantanamo Bay, who inspired the film about their true story.
The head of the jury, British actress Charlotte Rampling, said this year's films "reflected the mood of the world today".
A Tribute

"As I attempt to find words worthy to introduce the person that has changed my life, I realize that the words have yet to be invented that are large enough, colorful enough or true enough to express the heart and soul of this woman that I love."
"Stefanie, I wonder what can I possibly say to do justice to the way you've lived your life and to the lives that you have changed."
"I began several years ago on the small chalkboard sitting in our kitchen, a tradition that I've carried on every night. At the end of each day I have picked up the chalk and tried to express the many things you mean to me. Sometimes just a brief line, sometimes a short story, but always just the overflow from a grateful heart, and yet after these months and years of writing to you each night I have never been at a shortage of ways to reflect the light you've brought into my life. And now how ironic that in these few short moments I need to capture in words these things I so deeply appreciate in you. Maybe I can say it to you this simple way."
"Not long ago we were on the road and I looked out our hotel room window from the upper floor of a very tall high rise. I could see the rooftop of an old and beautiful cathedral. It was stunning with its carved stone and marble - all done so perfectly. I could not believe the work of art I was seeing and I wondered how many years did they take to create this and what drove them to be this committed? Then I began to appreciate something greater. I realized that when this rooftop was built it was by far the tallest building. In an age long before airplanes or skyscrapers these artists believed each day as they went about their work that no human being or one set of eyes would ever see their creation. How could they not have cut one corner? How could they consider no task routine? I can only think it came from a place deep inside - the need to be true to themselves was their reason and their reward."
"All of this has helped me to understand you just a little better, never needing applause to be your best, only needing to give the best your soul could give to feel complete."
-- Andre Agassi
Blogger: This excerpt is for my mom, the greatest person I've ever known.
"This has been the best week of my life"

18-year-old Scot Andy Murray won his first ATP title in San Jose earlier today, beating former world no. 1 and two-time grand slam champion Aussie Lleyton Hewitt in a gutsy comeback fight, holding his nerve in the final set tie-break to top his opponent 2-6, 6-1, 7-6(7-3). The teenager from Dunblane has held the proud British nation spellbound ever since his heroic antics at last year's Wimby. The breakthrough title, with wins over two top-ten players, including 2003 US open champion Andy "heartthrob" Roddick, will surely fill his supporters in Britain with joy when they wake up to the great tidings in the morning.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Five Rings

Since I'm at the Torino Olympics thread, I thought I should post this awesome pic of Thomas Bimis and Nikolaos Siranidis from the Athens Olympics, which you might have seen and loved. Also, there's Fernando Gonzalez and Nicolas Massu expressing their gold medal joy in a similar fashion. How about other athletes locked in embrace?

Flipped on the TV while fixing a late-night snack and in Torino the boys were waltzing on ice. Evgeni Plushenko won the gold in the Men's Figure Skating - he is a touching Russian story of hardship and struggle. (cf. "Because I'm Russian, I like all these struggles." Elena Dementieva -- 2004 US Open)
Note skater Belgian Kevin van der Perren to his right. He looks real, and pretty hot too.
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Vancouver, Prague, Kyoto... I'm just short of Paradise... [San Francisco? ;) Go to the paradise for men]
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
My Blog

As this blog is in the nascent stages, I'm gonna have to list a few things here to look forward to writing about.
1. Those Hot Boys and Men on Campus
2. The Beautiful, Sexy Bodies of the Guys at the Co-Rec
3. The Life and Times of Interesting, Attractive Men
4. From the Narcissistic to the Self-Effacing
5,6,7... infinity: Guys...