Spring and the Boys are Out

Last Friday, I was being a naughty boy. The weather was so great, I was driving by some frat houses, I saw the boys out playing volleyball or just having a great time chilling, I got so turned on that I went back to grab my camera for some shots. But the weather suddenly turned and I only had time to snap a few before it started raining. Also there comes a limit before the boys get really awkward and pissed that some gay guy's taking candid shots of them, you know.
So here are some for everyone. It's just fun seeing boys enjoying themselves, sitting on the porch, checking out chicks jogging by.

And on Saturday in glorious sunshine, though it was kinda cold for Spring, beautiful April flowers lining a brick-red building on campus, couldn't resist the shot.

Well, it's about time you were a naughty boy! BTW - no one likes to have their picture taken, especially surly frat men. What are those lovely trees that are nearing bloom?
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