My newest blog buddy

Phoenix, at arising anew is my newest blog buddy. Can you guess where he lives and goes to school? Fuck yeah, West Lafayette and Purdue! The shot above you see of the beautiful white streaks in the purple sky, I took from my car while waiting for the light to turn driving home at dusk (8:35!) today. That's for you, P.

To Sue: You were asking about the flowers last week. I'm proud to report that I have absolutely no clue what they are, except they smell like what my fuck buddy's ass would smell like. Some dude whinged about the smell in the campus newspaper last Spring (yeah they write about crap here), apparently he didn't know anything about asses. If you can tell what kind of flowers they are from the close-up, that's wonderful. Btw, just barely two weeks and the flowers are mostly withered now, the shot of the same row of trees was taken last week.
Finally a shot of springtime sunbathing for memories sake, also taken last week. School is out in a week and seems like everyone's partying and sunbathing even more this week than last. I probably should go take some more pics early Friday afternoon, the high point of sunbathing. Oh yeah some frat houses set up crazy water slides and such playthings for their merriment, I just need a real good vantage point. I betcha the entire student body would be out on the lawns next week. Too bad they wall the grass in concrete here too much. I miss California!

I'm not positive, but I think the flowers in that pic are of a Japanese sterile Pear tree. At least I have one outside of the brownstone I live in here in NYC and they are beautiful.
They are most likely Bradford Pears which are common in both Indiana and Illinois.
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